Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More Classroom Procedures for Band

Tardy Procedure

A. When you walk into the room you will see a countdown timer on the wall. When the timer reaches zero, you will see the message, "You are tardy!"

B. Being on time means that you are in your seat working on the Warm Up before the timer has reached zero. If you are not in your seat working on the Warm Up, you are tardy, even if you are in the room.

C. If you enter the band hall late, but have a pass excusing your tardiness, place your pass in the appropriate labeled bin on the desk at the front of the room, then enter the set using the "Entering the Band Hall" procedure as quickly as possible.

C. Students who are tardy and unexcused will receive a check and must sign up for after school detention. Sign your name on the list and get into the set as quickly as possible. If entering the room late, sign your name on the list before retrieving your materials and enter the set as quickly as possible.

The detention list will be located near the door so that it can easily be signed as they walk into the room without disturbing anything else that is going on. This can also be modified (and should be) based on the school's tardy and/or detention procedures.

Distributing New Music

A. New music will be stacked on the front table in score order from highest voices to lowest voices.

B. Section leaders will be called one at a time in score order to retrieve the music for their section. They are to distribute the music as quickly as possible.

C. Upon receiving new music, each student must write their name on the top right corner of each page, in legible print, using a pencil. Under your name, write which ensemble you are in, and under that (on the third line), write your cell phone number.

     i. Example: Jane Doe
                      Concert Band
                      (555) 555-5555

    ii. If you lose your music and someone finds it, they can return it to you shortly.

   iii. If your music is found on the floor it will be placed in the "Lost" bin, and you will be assigned band hall clean up duties that week.

Returning Music

A. Students will pass in music to the person on their right. The person on the far right will ensure that parts are ordered correctly based on their number (ex: 1st and 2nd Trumpet) and in Score Order.

B. The conductor, or an appointed student, will retrieve the stacked music from each row and place it into its labeled manila envelope on the front table.

Distributing Binder Materials

A. The conductor or an appointed student will distribute the papers to the student on the end of each row.

B. Students will take one and pass the rest to the student on their left.

C. Students are to write their name and phone number on the top left of the page and place it immediately into their binder in the appropriate section. Any loose papers found on the floor will be placed in the "Lost" bin and the student will be placed on band hall clean up duties that week.

D. The conductor or appointed student will collect any left over papers on the other side of the rows and return them to the labeled manila envelope on the front table.

End of Rehearsal

A. Students will be given approximately two minutes at the end of class to put away their instrument and materials.

B. All stands must be pushed all the way down as shown during the orientation.

C. The chair and stand arrangement should be left as orderly as it was found.

D. All instruments must be returned properly to their cases and placed neatly back into their assigned locker (if a locker is assigned to you). No instruments may be left on the floor or placed in a locker that it is not designated for.

E. Students will pick up any loose trash on the floor.    

F. Students may retrieve their bag and form a single file line at the tape mark near the door.    

G. The conductor dismisses the students, not the bell. Students will not be dismissed until all trash has been picked up, all instruments and materials are put away in their proper place, and the rehearsal set looks as organized as it was prior to the start of rehearsal.

Absence Procedure

A. Any music or binder materials distributed during class should be left on the seat of an absent student in a neat pile.

B. At the end of class, section leaders are responsible for filling out a "Make Up Assignment" form (located in the bin at the front table... write in legible print), attaching it to the pile of papers from the student's chair (if applicable), and placing it into the "Make Up Assignments" manila envelope.

C. When an absent student returns to class, upon entering the band hall that day they are to find their make up assignment in the manila envelope. If the student has questions, they are to ask their section members and/or section leader first. If they are still confused, they may ask the conductor for help after class.

D. The student is to take the assignment and related materials home. A parent must sign the "Make Up Assignment Form" to verify  the student has practiced the material. The student can then return the signed form by placing it into the "Make Up Assignment Drop Bin" on the front desk the next day.

E. All Make Up Assignments are due the following class period after a student has returned to school.

Are there other procedures you can think of, or situations that might require procedures in a concert band setting? Please feel free to give feedback using the comments below! Thanks for reading, and until next time, take care!

Musically yours,
Mr. Cooper

PS. To go back to the previous blog, click here or use the back button on your browser.

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